Example See also Ensign; Follow; Light; Standard; TG Example Nephi1 must set example for elder brethren, 1 Ne. 7:8. Christ’s baptism sets example, 2 Ne. 31:9 (3 Ne. 18:16; Morm. 7:10). unless man endures to end in following example of the Son, he cannot be saved, 2 Ne. 31:16. Nephites have lost confidence of children because of bad examples, Jacob 2:35 (3:10). example of Church leads unbelievers into iniquity, Alma 4:11. the Lord admonishes sons of Mosiah2 to show good examples unto Lamanites, Alma 17:11. Shiblon has set good example for Corianton, Alma 39:1. Christ has set example for men, 3 Ne. 18:16. Martin Harris to be example to Church in laying moneys before bishop, D&C 58:35. calling for Orson Hyde to preach by the Spirit is ensample to all ordained to priesthood, D&C 68:1–3. ensample of stewards for all branches of Church, D&C 72:23. the Lord gives ensample whereby Saints accomplish commandments, D&C 78:13. ensample unto all people for justification before the Lord, D&C 98:38.