Expedient See also Meet [=appropriate] the Lord did for Israelites all things expedient for man to receive, 1 Ne. 17:30. all things are given unto men which are expedient, 2 Ne. 2:27. if ye have faith in Christ, ye shall have power to do whatsoever is expedient in him, Moro. 7:33 (10:23). the Holy Ghost manifests all things that are expedient, D&C 18:18. if ye ask anything that is not expedient for you, it shall turn to condemnation, D&C 88:65. Saints to be instructed in all things expedient for them to understand, D&C 88:78. expedient that the Lord’s word should go forth, D&C 96:5. expedient to wait for redemption of Zion, D&C 105:13.