fear of the Lord shall smite wicked, 2Â Ne. 12:10 (Isa. 2:10).
spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord shall rest upon branch from Jesse’s roots, 2 Ne. 21:1–2 (Isa. 11:1–2).
children of Jacob1 shall fear God of Israel, 2Â Ne. 27:34.
prophecies of war and destruction keep Nephites in fear of the Lord, Enos 1:23.
Benjamin’s people fall to earth, for fear of the Lord, Mosiah 4:1.
Nephites are commanded to handle judicial matters in fear of the Lord, Mosiah 29:30.
fear of the Lord comes upon Lamoni’s household, Alma 19:15.
Alma2 and sons of Mosiah2 fell to earth, for fear of the Lord came upon them, Alma 36:7.
Alma2 commands Corianton, in fear of the Lord, to refrain from iniquities, Alma 39:12.
Moroni1 does not fear civil authority but he fears God, Alma 60:28.
Nephites do not fear robbers, but they fear God, 3Â Ne. 4:10.
unto those who fear the Lord’s name will the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in wings, 3 Ne. 25:2.
work out your salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord, Morm. 9:27.
brother of Jared2 is struck with fear when he sees the Lord’s finger, Ether 3:6.