Feel, Felt See also Feeling; Handle; Touch Laman1 and Lemuel cannot feel words of still small voice, 1 Ne. 17:45. if ye have felt to sing song of redeeming love, can ye feel so now, Alma 5:26. Ammon2 cannot say smallest part which he feels, Alma 26:16. when ye feel swelling motions, ye will say seed is good, Alma 32:28. inhabitants of land can feel vapor of darkness, 3 Ne. 8:20. multitude feel prints of nails in Christ’s hands, 3 Ne. 11:14–15 (18:25). by burning in bosom you shall feel it is right, D&C 9:8. in day of Saints’ trouble, they feel after the Lord, D&C 101:8. all who enter the Lord’s house may feel his power, D&C 109:13. after their temptations, the Lord will feel after Twelve, D&C 112:13. man can feel angel’s hand, but not spirit’s, D&C 129:5–8.