Field Lehi1 beholds large field in dream, 1 Ne. 8:9, 20. Lebanon to be turned into fruitful field, 2 Ne. 27:28. field was ripe and missionaries thrust in sickle, Alma 26:5. God was merciful when Zenos cried unto him in field, Alma 33:5. cry unto God in your fields, Alma 34:20, 24–25. field is white already to harvest, D&C 4:4 (6:3; 11:3; 12:3; 14:3; 31:4; 33:3, 7). in parable of wheat and tares, field is world, D&C 86:2. kingdom likened to man who sends servants to dig in field, D&C 88:51. he who helps Saints move to Zion will be blessed in his fields, D&C 136:11.