pillar of fire comes down and dwells on rock before Lehi1, 1 Ne. 1:6.
brightness of God’s justice is like brightness of fire, 1 Ne. 15:30.
they who believe not in the Messiah shall be destroyed by fire, 2 Ne. 6:15.
filthy shall go away into everlasting fire, 2 Ne. 9:16 (Mosiah 26:27).
lake of fire and brimstone, 2 Ne. 9:16, 19 (28:23; Jacob 3:11; 6:10; Mosiah 3:27; Alma 12:17; 14:14).
as fire devoureth stubble, root of wicked shall be rottenness, 2 Ne. 15:24 (Isa. 5:24).
wickedness burneth as fire, 2 Ne. 19:18 (Isa. 9:18).
light of Israel shall be for fire, 2 Ne. 20:17 (Isa. 10:17).
the Lord will spare his people even if he must destroy wicked by fire, 2 Ne. 30:10.
baptism of fire, 2 Ne. 31:13–14 (3 Ne. 9:20; 12:1; 19:13; Ether 12:14).
branches that do not bring forth good fruit are cast into fire, Jacob 5:26, 37, 42, 45–47, 49, 58, 66.
the Lord will cause vineyard to be burned with fire, Jacob 5:77.
world shall be burned with fire, Jacob 6:3.
awareness of guilt fills breast with anguish like unquenchable fire, Mosiah 2:38 (Morm. 9:5).
Noah3 suffers death by fire, Mosiah 19:20.
those who bring forth works of righteousness shall not be cast into fire, Alma 5:35, 52.
Amulonites cause many believing Lamanites to perish by fire, Alma 25:5.
Nephi2 and Lehi4 encircled as by flaming fire, Hel. 5:23.
except for righteous in city, the Lord would destroy it by fire, Hel. 13:13 (3 Ne. 9:11).
whosoever shall say to his brother, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire, 3 Ne. 12:22 (Matt. 5:22).
he is like refiners’ fire, 3 Ne. 24:2 (Mal. 3:2).
those who build church on works of men or devil will be cast into fire, 3 Ne. 27:11.
he who endures not to end shall be cast into fire, 3 Ne. 27:17.
disciples cast into furnaces of fire, 4 Ne. 1:32.
he who condemns shall be in danger of hell fire, Morm. 8:17.
when ye are brought to see your nakedness before glory of God, it will kindle unquenchable fire in you, Morm. 9:5.