Saints to be gathered as appointed by Presidency, D&C 48:6.
high priests may be appointed bishops by First Presidency, D&C 68:15, 19 (107:17).
literal descendant of Aaron1 must be designated and ordained by First Presidency, D&C 68:19–20.
bishops to be tried before First Presidency, D&C 68:22.
calling of First Presidency, D&C 81: Intro. (90: Intro.).
keys of kingdom belong to Presidency of High Priesthood, D&C 81:2.
duties of Presidency, D&C 90:12–16, 32.
house to be built for work of Presidency, D&C 94:3.
role of First Presidency in appeals from Church tribunals, D&C 102:26–27, 33 (107:78–80).
Presidency of High Priesthood to have right to officiate in all offices, D&C 107:9.
three Presiding High Priests form quorum of Presidency, D&C 107:22.
Twelve officiate under direction of Presidency, D&C 107:33.
the Lord has made First Presidency counselors unto Twelve, D&C 112:20, 30.
power of priesthood given to Twelve and First Presidency, D&C 112:30.
Oliver Granger to contend for redemption of First Presidency, D&C 117:13.
tithing required for debts of Presidency, D&C 119:2.
tithing to be disposed of by council including First Presidency, D&C 120.
Sidney Rigdon and William Law given as counselors to constitute quorum of First Presidency, D&C 124:126.
First Presidency to receive oracles for whole Church, D&C 124:126.