devil flatters men that there is no hell, 2 Ne. 28:22.
Sherem uses much flattery, Jacob 7:4.
people deceived by flattering and vain words of Noah3 and priests, Mosiah 11:7.
unbelievers deceive many with flattering words, Mosiah 26:6.
Alma2 did speak flattery to lead people into iniquity, Mosiah 27:8.
Ammon2 flattered fellow-servants by his words, Alma 17:31.
better that Korihor’s soul be lost than that he bring down many to destruction by flattering words, Alma 30:47.
many in Church believe flattering words of Amalickiah, Alma 46:7.
those who seek judgment-seat use much flattery to lead away hearts, Alma 61:4.
Jacob4 flattered dissenters that many would join his band, 3 Ne. 7:12.