Nephites begin to raise flocks, 2 Ne. 5:11 (Enos 1:21).
Nephites take firstlings of flocks to offer sacrifice, Mosiah 2:3.
children of men are wild flock which fleeth from shepherd, Mosiah 8:21.
Lamanites bring people of Zeniff into bondage, to feast on flocks, Mosiah 9:12.
Zeniff guards his people and flocks, Mosiah 10:2.
people of Noah3 shall be driven as wild flock is driven by wild beasts, Mosiah 17:17.
if wolf enter flock doth not shepherd drive him out, Alma 5:59.
Ammon2 set to watch Lamoni’s flocks, Alma 17:25.
faithfulness of Ammon2 in defending flocks astonishes Lamoni, Alma 18:2.
cry unto the Lord over all your flocks, Alma 34:20, 25.
Nephites reserve flocks and provisions for seven years’ subsistence, 3 Ne. 4:4.
remnant of Jacob shall be among Gentiles as young lion among flocks of sheep, 3 Ne. 20:16 (21:12; Micah 5:8).
Jaredites are commanded to gather flocks, Ether 1:41.
people of Morianton1 become exceedingly rich in flocks, Ether 10:12.