elder sons believe Lehi1 is led away by foolish imaginations of his heart, 1 Ne. 2:11.
O the foolishness of men, 2 Ne. 9:28.
for reward of their foolishness, Nephites shall reap destruction, 2 Ne. 26:10.
many shall teach foolish doctrines, 2 Ne. 28:9.
dissenters believe Church teaches foolish traditions, Alma 8:11 (21:8; 30:13–14, 23, 27; 31:17).
ye suppose this is foolishness in me, Alma 37:6.
how foolish are children of men, Hel. 12:4.
how long will ye suffer yourselves to be led by foolishness, Hel. 13:29.
those who hear Christ’s sayings but do them not are likened to foolish man who builds house upon sand, 3 Ne. 14:26 (Matt. 7:26).