Forget, Forgot, Forgotten See also Forgive; Remember can woman forget her sucking child, 1 Ne. 21:15 (Isa. 49:15). the Lord will not forget Israel, 1 Ne. 21:15 (2 Ne. 29:5). because miracles were worked by small means, forefathers forgot to exercise faith, Alma 37:41. how quick do men forget the Lord, Alma 46:8 (Hel. 11:36; 12:2). dissenters entirely forgetting the Lord, Alma 47:36. how could you have forgotten your God in very day he has delivered you, Hel. 7:20 (12:2). people begin to forget signs and wonders given at Christ’s birth, 3 Ne. 2:1. thou shalt forget shame of thy youth, 3 Ne. 22:4 (Isa. 54:4). stupor of thought shall cause you to forget thing which is wrong, D&C 9:9. the Lord to curse all nations that forget God, D&C 133:2.