Fornication, Fornicator See also Adultery; Chastity; Lust; Whore; TG Fornication; Sexual Immorality Jacob2 warns Nephites against fornication, Jacob 3:12. Nephites are ripening for destruction because of murders and fornication, Hel. 8:26. whosoever puts away his wife, save for fornication, causes her to commit adultery, 3 Ne. 12:32 (Matt. 5:32). Babylon made nations drink of wine of wrath of her fornication, D&C 35:11 (88:94, 105). those who put away spouse for fornication should not be cast out, D&C 42:74–75. receive no fornicators if they are married, D&C 42:76. fornicator must repent to enter Church, D&C 42:77.