Friend, Friendship See also TG Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fellowshipping Zoram1 true friend to Nephi1, 2 Ne. 1:30. iniquitous king has his friends in iniquity, Mosiah 29:22. Amulek is rejected by those who were once his friends, Alma 15:16. Teancum true friend to liberty, Alma 62:37. Moroni2 has no friends, Morm. 8:5. Jared2 asks his brother to cry unto the Lord to have compassion on friends, Ether 1:36. the Lord was wounded in house of friends, D&C 45:52. wisdom to make friends with mammon of unrighteousness, D&C 82:22. the Lord calls his servants friends, D&C 84:77 (93:45; 94:1; 98:1; 100:1; 104:1). greeting with determination to be friend and brother through grace of God, D&C 88:133. friends stand by Joseph Smith, D&C 121:9. all men are justified in defending their friends, D&C 134:11. Joseph Smith is persecuted by those who should be his friends, JS—H 1:28.