Lehi1 beholds tree whose fruit is desirable to make one happy, 1 Ne. 8:10–35.
fruit of tree of life is most precious and desirable above all other fruit, 1 Ne. 15:36.
the Messiah is first-fruits unto God, 2 Ne. 2:9.
be presented as first-fruits of Christ unto God, Jacob 4:11.
Zenos’s parable of vineyard with good and evil fruit, Jacob 5:3–77.
wild branches grafted into tame roots bring forth tame fruit, Jacob 5:18.
branches that have not brought forth good fruit shall be cast into fire, Jacob 5:26.
wild branches overcome tame branches, so that corrupted tree brings forth no good fruit, Jacob 5:25–26.
if grafted branches bring forth natural fruit, tree shall be spared, Jacob 5:64.
branches bringing forth bitter fruit shall be cleared away, Jacob 5:65.
trees become again natural fruit, and the Lord preserves unto himself natural fruit, Jacob 5:74.
after ye have been nourished by word of God, will ye bring forth evil fruit, Jacob 6:7.
whosoever brings not forth good fruit shall have cause to mourn, Alma 5:36.
be baptized unto repentance that ye may be partakers of fruit of tree of life, Alma 5:62.
bring forth fruit meet for repentance, Alma 12:15 (13:13; 34:30).
Ammon2 and brethren can see fruits of labors, Alma 26:30–31.
may God grant that those who are fruit of missionaries’ labors may go no more out, Alma 29:17.
if ye will not nourish word, ye can never pluck of fruit of tree of life, Alma 32:40.
the Lord gives Alma2 great joy in fruit of labors, Alma 36:25.
wicked are consigned to partake of fruits of their works, Alma 40:26.
the Lord places cherubim and flaming sword so that Adam should not partake of fruit of tree of life, Alma 42:3.
Nephi2 prays the Lord to send rain, that earth may bring forth fruit, Hel. 11:13, 17.
ye shall know them by their fruits, 3 Ne. 14:16, 20 (Matt. 7:16, 20).
good tree brings forth good fruit, corrupt tree evil fruit, 3 Ne. 14:17–18 (Matt. 7:17–18).
the Lord will rebuke devourer that he shall not destroy fruit of ground, 3 Ne. 24:11 (Mal. 3:11).
elders, priests, teachers not baptized save they brought forth fruit meet that they are worthy, Moro. 6:1.
first fruits of repentance is baptism, Moro. 8:25.