may gates of hell be shut continually before me, 2Â Ne. 4:32.
keeper of gate is the Holy One of Israel, 2Â Ne. 9:41.
they who lay snare for him that reproves in gate shall be cut off, 2Â Ne. 27:32 (Isa. 29:21).
Christ’s baptism shows men narrowness of gate, 2 Ne. 31:8–9.
baptism and repentance are gate by which men should enter, 2 Ne. 31:17–18.
men cannot be reconciled unto Christ except they enter narrow gate, 2Â Ne. 33:9.
enter in at strait gate, Jacob 6:11 (3Â Ne. 14:13; 27:33; Matt. 7:13).
gate of heaven is open unto all who believe on Christ, Hel. 3:28.
gates of hell shall not prevail upon those built on rock of Christ, 3Â Ne. 11:39 (Matt. 16:18).
wide is gate which leads to destruction, 3 Ne. 14:13 (27:33; Matt. 7:13–14).
strait is gate which leads to life, 3Â Ne. 14:14 (27:33; Matt. 7:14).
gates of hell are open to receive those not built on rock of Christ, 3Â Ne. 18:13.