Give, Given See also Confer; Deliver; Gift; Grant; Impart; Mete; Provide; Render all things are given men that are expedient unto man, 2 Ne. 2:27. God will give liberally to him that asketh, 2 Ne. 4:35. my God will give me if I ask not amiss, 2 Ne. 4:35. those who do not give to beggar should be able to say, I give not because I have not, Mosiah 4:24. ask and it shall be given unto you, 3 Ne. 14:7 (Matt. 7:7). how much more shall Father in heaven give good things to them that ask him, 3 Ne. 14:11 (Matt. 7:11). none can have power to bring record to light save it be given him of God, Morm. 8:15. Christ so loved world that he gave his own life, D&C 34:3. ask the Lord for wisdom and he will give liberally, D&C 42:68 (46:7). wo unto rich men who will not give of their substance, D&C 56:16. of him unto whom much is given much is required, D&C 82:3. in very hour portion for each is given, D&C 84:85. it shall be given you what ye shall say, D&C 100:6. if any lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives liberally, JS—H 1:11, 13 (James 1:5).