Glorious See also Glorify; Glory [noun] yet shall I be glorious in eyes of the Lord, 1 Ne. 21:5 (Isa. 49:5). prepare for glorious day when justice shall be administered, 2 Ne. 9:46. branch of the Lord shall be glorious, 2 Ne. 14:2 (Isa. 4:2). his rest shall be glorious, 2 Ne. 21:10 (Isa. 11:10). weep for those who have not hope of glorious resurrection, D&C 42:45. he who is thankful shall be made glorious, D&C 78:19. Zion shall become glorious, D&C 97:18. rest of those who die in Millennium shall be glorious, D&C 101:31. another great and glorious vision burst upon us, D&C 110:13. the Lord to come clothed in his glorious apparel, D&C 133:46. whole person of Moroni2 was glorious beyond description, JS—H 1:32.