Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, title page of the Book of Mormon (2 Ne. 26:12).
course of the Lord is one eternal round, 1 Ne. 10:19 (Alma 7:20).
the Eternal Father, 1 Ne. 11:21 (13:40; Mosiah 15:4; 16:15; Alma 11:38–39; Morm. 6:22; Moro. 4:3; 5:2; 10:4, 31).
the Everlasting God, 1 Ne. 11:32 (15:15; 2 Ne. 4:35; Hel. 12:8; Moro. 10:28).
the Eternal God, 1 Ne. 12:18 (2 Ne. 9:8; Alma 34:9; Ether 8:23).
the Messiah shall be called, The Everlasting Father, 2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6).
Christ is light of world, light that is endless, Mosiah 16:9.
the Godhead is one eternal God, Alma 11:44.
the Only Begotten is without beginning of days or end of years, Alma 13:9.
the everlasting Maker, Hel. 1:11.
to seek happiness in iniquity is contrary to nature of righteousness which is in our Eternal Head, Hel. 13:38 (Alma 41:10–11).
the Lord changes not, 3 Ne. 24:6 (Moro. 8:18).
God is same yesterday, today, forever, Morm. 9:9.
no variableness or shadow of changing in God, Morm. 9:9–10.
God changes not, or he would cease to be God, Morm. 9:19.
God knows all things, being from everlasting to everlasting, Moro. 7:22.
Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead, Moro. 10:34.