God Almighty, 1 Ne. 1:14 (17:48; Mosiah 11:23; 18:13; Hel. 10:11; 3 Ne. 4:32).
the Lord’s power is over all inhabitants of earth, 1 Ne. 1:14.
the Lord is mightier than all earth, 1 Ne. 4:1.
the Lord is able to do all things, 1 Ne. 7:12.
the Lord has all power unto fulfilling all his words, 1 Ne. 9:6.
afflicted are healed by power of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 11:31.
Gentiles in promised land delivered by power of God out of hands of all other nations, 1 Ne. 13:18–19, 30 (Mosiah 23:13).
by power of his almighty word God can cause earth to pass away, 1 Ne. 17:46.
Nephi1 filled with power of God, 1 Ne. 17:48.
the Lord has such great power and has wrought so many miracles, 1 Ne. 17:51.
only power of God threatening destruction could soften hearts, 1 Ne. 18:20 (Alma 30:52).
the Lord is the Mighty One of Jacob, 1 Ne. 21:26 (22:12; 2 Ne. 6:18).
the Mighty God shall deliver his covenant people, 2 Ne. 6:17.
may God raise you by power of Resurrection and by power of Atonement, 2 Ne. 10:25.
the Messiah’s name shall be called, The Mighty God, 2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6).
false churches will put down power and miracles of God, 2 Ne. 26:20.
book shall be sealed by power of God, 2 Ne. 27:10.
three witnesses shall behold book by power of God, 2 Ne. 27:12 (Ether 5:3–4).
the Lord is able to do his own work, 2 Ne. 27:20.
churches shall deny power of God, 2 Ne. 28:3–5, 26 (Jacob 6:8; Morm. 8:28).
rely upon merits of him who is mighty to save, 2 Ne. 31:19.
by help of the all-powerful Creator, I can tell you your thoughts, Jacob 2:5.
power of Resurrection which is in Christ, Jacob 4:11.
power of God comes down upon multitude, Jacob 7:21.
Enos2 wrought upon by power of God, that he must preach and prophesy, Enos 1:26 (Alma 37:40; Morm. 7:9).
the Lord Omnipotent, Mosiah 3:5, 17–18, 21 (5:2, 15).
believe that God has all power in heaven and earth, Mosiah 4:9.
no man can have greater gift than to be seer, except he possess power of God, Mosiah 8:16.
none to deliver this people except the Almighty God, Mosiah 11:23.
Christ is called the Father because he was conceived by power of God, Mosiah 15:3.
Alma1 and his people form a church through power of God, Mosiah 21:30.
angel comes to convince Alma2 of power of God, Mosiah 27:14.
can ye dispute power of God, Mosiah 27:15.
nothing save power of God could make earth tremble as though it would part asunder, Mosiah 27:18.
the Son cometh in his might, majesty, power, Alma 5:50.
God has power to do all things according to his word, Alma 7:8.
righteous shall reap salvation according to power of Christ, Alma 9:28.
Amulek asks Alma2 to exercise power of God on behalf of martyrs, Alma 14:10.
if ye have power of God, deliver yourselves, Alma 14:24.
Lamoni is under power of God, Alma 19:6, 17.
power of God works miracles in Ammon2 and his brethren, Alma 23:6.
God has all power, Alma 26:35 (Morm. 5:23; Ether 3:4).
Korihor knows he is struck dumb by power of God, Alma 30:51–52.
preaching of word of God has powerful effect upon minds, Alma 31:5.
God is mighty to save, Alma 34:18.
if ye transgress, sacred things shall be taken away by power of God, Alma 37:15.
God is powerful to fulfilling his words, Alma 37:16.
the all-powerful God, Alma 44:5.
stripling Ammonites fight with strength of God, Alma 56:56.
stripling Ammonites are preserved by miraculous power of God, Alma 57:26.
the Father gives the Lord power to redeem men from their sins, Hel. 5:11.
Nephi2 knows nothing concerning murder of chief judge save given by power of God, Hel. 9:36.
by power of God’s voice, whole earth shakes, Hel. 12:10–12.
thine is kingdom, power, and glory, 3 Ne. 13:13 (Matt. 6:13).
how can ye stand before power of God, Morm. 5:22.
believe that Christ has risen by power of the Father, Morm. 7:5.
bringing forth of record shall be by power of God, Morm. 8:16.
all men shall be awakened from endless sleep by power of God, Morm. 9:13.
the Lord has all power and can do whatsoever he will for benefit of man, Ether 3:4.
everything which invites to do good is sent by power of Christ, Moro. 7:16.
God will show with power that these things are true, Moro. 7:35.
deny not power of God, Moro. 10:7, 32–33.
God works by power according to men’s faith, Moro. 10:7.