fulness of gospel to be proclaimed, D&C 1:23.
records kept back contain much of gospel, D&C 6:26.
gospel to be preached to Lamanites, D&C 10:48.
gospel made known to other nations, D&C 10:49.
those who believe in gospel will have eternal life, D&C 10:50.
the Lord to bring gospel to build up, not to destroy, D&C 10:52.
wait to preach until you shall have my gospel, D&C 11:16.
build upon the Lord’s rock, which is his gospel, D&C 11:24 (18:17).
the Lord to bring gospel from Gentiles to Israel, D&C 14:10.
foundation of gospel in scriptures, D&C 18:4.
Twelve called to declare gospel to Gentile and Jew, D&C 18:26.
gospel to be preached to every creature, D&C 18:28 (58:64).
declare gospel according to the Holy Ghost, D&C 18:32.
Book of Mormon contains fulness of gospel, D&C 20:9 (27:5; 42:12).
declare gospel at all times in all places, D&C 24:12.
those who receive gospel are sons and daughters in the Lord’s kingdom, D&C 25:1.
keys of dispensation of gospel for last times committed to Peter, James, and John, D&C 27:13.
gospel of peace, D&C 27:16.
gospel to be declared with sound of rejoicing, D&C 28:16 (29:4).
gospel promised to Adam and his seed, D&C 29:42.
first principles of gospel, D&C 33:11–12 (39:6; 49:12–14; 53:3; 68:25).
fulness of gospel sent forth to this generation, D&C 35:12.
gospel to be preached to poor and meek, D&C 35:15.
fulness of gospel sent forth by Joseph Smith, D&C 35:17 (135:3).
those who embrace calling should be ordained and sent forth to preach everlasting gospel, D&C 36:5.
those who embrace gospel with singleness of heart to be ordained and sent forth, D&C 36:7.
gospel to be preached among all nations, D&C 38:33 (42:63).
he who receives gospel receives the Lord, D&C 39:5.
this is my gospel, D&C 39:6.
fulness of gospel sent to recover Israel, D&C 39:11.
if people receive fulness of gospel, the Lord will stay his hand, D&C 39:18.
those who receive gospel will be gathered, D&C 39:22.
go forth in power of my Spirit, preaching gospel, D&C 42:6.
gospel to be preached two by two, D&C 42:6.
fulness of gospel contained in Bible and Book of Mormon, D&C 42:12.
fulness of gospel to come to those in darkness, D&C 45:28.
manner of preaching gospel, D&C 60:14.
gospel to roll forth from Church, D&C 65:2.
everlasting covenant, fulness of gospel, D&C 66:2.
elders called to proclaim everlasting gospel, D&C 68:1, 8 (99:1).
record we hear is gospel of Christ, D&C 76:14.
gospel is Atonement of Christ, D&C 76:40–43.
the Son visited and preached gospel to spirits in prison, D&C 76:73.
fate of those who refuse gospel, D&C 76:82.
telestial glory includes those who receive not gospel, D&C 76:101.
everlasting gospel is glad tidings of great joy, D&C 79:1 (128:19).
Melchizedek Priesthood administers gospel, D&C 84:19.
lesser priesthood holds keys of preparatory gospel, D&C 84:26.
Saints to be instructed more perfectly in law of gospel, D&C 88:78.
every man shall hear fulness of gospel, D&C 90:11.
proclaim gospel of salvation as the Lord gives utterance, D&C 93:51.
Elias has committed dispensation of gospel of Abraham, D&C 110:12.
the Lord prepared for salvation of those who die without knowledge of gospel, D&C 128:5 (137:7; 138:10, 19, 30–34, 57).
everlasting gospel committed by angel, D&C 133:36.
that men might be partakers of glories, the Lord sent forth fulness of gospel, D&C 133:57.
those who die without knowledge of gospel but would have accepted it will inherit celestial glory, D&C 137:7.
through Atonement and obedience to gospel, mankind may be saved, D&C 138:4.
gospel preached to spirits of dead, D&C 138:18–21, 28–37.
the Savior taught gospel to Jews during mortal ministry, D&C 138:25.