Grave See also Baptism; Bury; Death, Physical; Resurrection; Sepulchre hear words of parent, whose limbs ye must soon lay down in grave, 2 Ne. 1:14. grave must deliver up its dead, 2 Ne. 9:11–13. because of Resurrection, grave hath no victory, Mosiah 16:7–8 (Alma 22:14). many graves shall be opened at time of Christ’s Resurrection, Hel. 14:25. Christ hath gained victory over grave, Morm. 7:5. graves shall be opened, D&C 29:26 (88:97; 133:56). they who have slept in graves shall come forth, D&C 88:97. they who are in graves shall be caught up to meet the Lord, D&C 88:98. baptismal font similitude of grave, D&C 128:12–13.