Grow See also Enlarge; Flourish; Increase; Multiply; Spread; Swell; Wax word compared to good seed which will grow if planted in heart, Alma 32:28–41. ye shall grow up as calves in stall, 3 Ne. 25:2 (Mal. 4:2). in Millennium children shall grow up without sin, D&C 45:58 (63:51). light to grow brighter and brighter, D&C 50:24. elders must grow in grace and knowledge, D&C 50:40. children in Zion are growing up in wickedness, D&C 68:31. consider how lilies of field grow, D&C 84:82. wheat and tares grow together, D&C 86:7. Saints to grow up in the Lord, D&C 109:15. wicked spirit growing stronger and stronger, D&C 123:7.