because Jews have despised the Holy One, they shall be hated among all nations, 1 Ne. 19:14 (2 Ne. 6:10–11; 3 Ne. 16:9).
hatred of Lamanites against Nephites, 2 Ne. 5:14 (Jacob 7:24; Enos 1:20).
Gentiles have hated Jews and not sought to recover them, 2 Ne. 29:5.
Lamanites are taught to hate children of God, Mosiah 10:17 (4 Ne. 1:39).
the Lord visits iniquities of fathers upon children unto third and fourth generation of them that hate him, Mosiah 13:13 (Ex. 20:5).
hatred of Lamanites against people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi becomes sore, Alma 24:1–2.
teach everlasting hatred against sin and iniquity, Alma 37:32.
converted Lamanites lay down their hatred, Hel. 5:51.
tribes united in hatred of robbers, 3 Ne. 7:11.
do good to them that hate you, 3 Ne. 12:43–44 (Matt. 5:43–44).
man who serves two masters will hate one and love other, 3 Ne. 13:24 (Matt. 6:24).
because of hatred, Lamanites put to death every Nephite who will not deny Christ, Moro. 1:2.