multitudes of sick and afflicted healed by the Lamb, 1 Ne. 11:31.
the Lord prepared way that Israelites might be healed of serpent bites, 1 Ne. 17:41.
make people’s heart fat, lest they understand, be converted and healed, 2 Ne. 16:10 (Isa. 6:10; Acts 28:27).
the Lord gave Moses power to heal nations after being bitten by serpents, 2 Ne. 25:20.
pleasing word of God heals wounded soul, Jacob 2:8.
with his stripes we are healed, Mosiah 14:5 (Isa. 53:5).
if thou believest in Redemption of Christ, thou canst be healed, Alma 15:8.
Israelites would not look upon serpent because they did not believe it would heal them, Alma 33:20.
if ye could be healed by casting about your eyes, would ye not behold quickly, Alma 33:21–22.
those who are healed manifest unto people that they have been wrought upon by the Spirit, 3 Ne. 7:22.
repent of your sins and be converted, that I may heal you, 3 Ne. 9:13.
Christ heals all Nephite sick who are brought to him, 3 Ne. 17:9.
those who repent and come unto Christ will be healed, 3 Ne. 18:32.