Hew, Hewn See also Cut all trees of vineyard good for nothing save to be hewn down, Jacob 5:42. bad trees shall be hewn down, Jacob 5:66. bring forth works of righteousness and ye shall not be hewn down, Alma 5:35. every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down, Alma 5:52 (3 Ne. 14:19; Matt. 7:19). they who persist in wickedness shall be hewn down, Alma 5:56. whoso repents shall not be hewn down, Hel. 14:18. churches built upon works of men or devil shall be hewn down, 3 Ne. 27:11–12. he who endures not to end shall be hewn down, 3 Ne. 27:17. they who have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down, D&C 45:50. those who take the Holy Ghost for guide shall not be hewn down, D&C 45:57. trees that bring not forth good fruit shall be hewn down, D&C 97:7.