things of wise and prudent shall be hid, 2 Ne. 9:43.
book shall be hid from world, 2 Ne. 27:12.
after book has been read, it should be sealed and hid up unto the Lord, 2 Ne. 27:22.
understanding of their prudent shall be hid, 2 Ne. 27:26 (Isa. 29:14).
wo unto them that seek deep to hide counsel from the Lord, 2 Ne. 27:27 (28:9; Isa. 29:15).
the Lord of vineyard hid natural branches of tame olive tree, Jacob 5:14, 20.
hidden things shall come to light, Mosiah 8:17.
we hid our faces from him, Mosiah 14:3 (Isa. 53:3).
ye cannot hide your crimes from God, Alma 39:8.
if men hide treasures in earth, they shall find them no more, Hel. 13:18–20 (Morm. 1:18).
men should hide up their treasures unto the Lord, Hel. 13:19.
the Lord has covered city of Moronihah with earth to hide iniquities from his face, 3 Ne. 9:5.
city set on hill cannot be hid, 3 Ne. 12:14 (Matt. 5:14).
names of those who should never taste death are hid from world, 3 Ne. 28:25.
all things which are hid must be revealed upon house-tops, Morm. 5:8.
Moroni2 is commanded to hide writings again in earth, Ether 4:3.
come out in judgment, O God, and hide this people’s sins from before thy face, Moro. 9:15.