publish glad tidings upon every high place, D&C 19:29 (64:37).
receive power from on high, D&C 20:8 (38:32, 38; 78:2; 95:8; 105:11, 33; 109:35).
the Most High God, D&C 39:19 (45:66; 59:10; 62:4; 76:57, 112; 82:13; 85:11).
building of New Jerusalem to be revealed from on high, D&C 42:9.
ye are to be taught from on high, D&C 43:16.
call upon high to repent, D&C 58:47.
the Lord has made Church like judge sitting in high place, D&C 64:37.
ask and it shall be made known from on high, D&C 75:27.
God, highest of all, D&C 76:70.
Michael set upon high, D&C 78:16.
high-mindedness brings snare, D&C 90:17.
high ones shall be brought low, D&C 112:8.
things pertaining to higher order of kingdoms made known through Urim and Thummim, D&C 130:10.
those who will obtain highest degree of celestial glory must enter new and everlasting covenant of marriage, D&C 131:2.