Holiness See also Holy; Purity; Righteousness; Sacred; Sanctification men to be judged according to truth and holiness which is in God, 2 Ne. 2:10. how great holiness of our God, 2 Ne. 9:20. pour out thy Spirit upon thy servant, that he may do work with holiness of heart, Mosiah 18:12. men resurrected to everlasting life or damnation, according to mercy, justice, and holiness of Christ, 3 Ne. 26:5. when ye are brought to see your nakedness and holiness of Christ, it will kindle unquenchable fire, Morm. 9:5. walk in holiness before the Lord, D&C 20:69 (21:4). practice virtue and holiness before the Lord, D&C 38:24 (46:33). Saints to bind themselves to act in holiness, D&C 43:9. do that which the Spirit testifies should be done in all holiness, D&C 46:7. the Lord’s house, place of holiness, D&C 109:13. after their pain, Judah shall be sanctified in holiness, D&C 133:35. Abel walked in holiness before the Lord, Moses 5:26. Man of Holiness is God’s name, Moses 6:57 (7:35). city of Enoch2 called City of Holiness, Moses 7:19.