after baptism of water comes baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, 2 Ne. 31:13–14 (3 Ne. 12:1–2; 19:13; 26:17; 28:18; 4 Ne. 1:1; Morm. 7:10).
after repentance and baptism by water cometh remission of sins by fire and the Holy Ghost, 2 Ne. 31:17.
the Spirit comes upon Nephites, and they are filled with joy, having received remission of sins, Mosiah 4:3.
after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, high priests could not look upon sin without abhorrence, Alma 13:12.
Alma2 labors that men might be born of God and filled with the Holy Ghost, Alma 36:24.
whoso comes unto Christ will be baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost, 3 Ne. 9:20.
whoso believes in Christ will the Father visit with fire and the Holy Ghost, 3 Ne. 11:35.
after Nephite disciples are baptized, the Holy Ghost falls upon them and they are filled with the Holy Ghost and fire, 3 Ne. 19:9–13, 20–22.
repent and be baptized, that ye may be sanctified by reception of the Holy Ghost, 3 Ne. 27:20.
after mighty change wrought upon Lamanites, they are baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost, Ether 12:14.
after baptism, people are cleansed by power of the Holy Ghost, Moro. 6:4.