Martin Harris is commanded to leave his house, D&C 19:36.
duty of priests and teachers to visit house of each member, D&C 20:47, 51.
govern your house in meekness, D&C 31:9.
Joseph Smith to have house built, D&C 41:7.
residue in storehouse used to build houses of worship, D&C 42:35.
Christ wounded in house of friends, D&C 45:52.
supper of house of the Lord, D&C 58:9.
go to house of prayer on the Lord’s holy day, D&C 59:9.
elders to go from house to house, D&C 75:18–20.
the Lord has prepared mansions in house of the Father, D&C 81:6.
house shall be built unto the Lord, D&C 84:5.
house of the Lord to be built in this generation, D&C 84:31.
sons of Moses and Aaron to be filled with glory upon Mount Zion in the Lord’s house, D&C 84:32.
wo unto house that rejects elders, D&C 84:94.
one mighty and strong to set in order house of God, D&C 85:7.
establish house of prayer, D&C 88:119 (109:8–16).
order of house prepared for presidency of School of Prophets, D&C 88:127.
salutation by prayer in house of the Lord, D&C 88:137.
set in order your own house, D&C 93:43.
neglect of commandment to build the Lord’s house, D&C 95:3.
commandment to build the Lord’s house for endowments, D&C 95:8, 11 (97:15; 105:33; 115:8; 124:31).
tithing and sacrifice required to build house unto the Lord for salvation of Zion, D&C 97:12.
the Lord will manifest himself in his house, D&C 110:7.
desolation to go forth from the Lord’s house, D&C 112:25.
keep the Lord’s house holy, D&C 117:16.
surplus property for building of the Lord’s house, D&C 119:2.
those who persecute Saints to be severed from ordinances of the Lord’s house, D&C 121:19.
commandment to build boarding house, D&C 124:22, 24.
Saints to gather to build house for the Most High, D&C 124:25–27.
the Lord to restore fulness of priesthood in his house, D&C 124:28.
baptisms for dead must be performed in the Lord’s house, D&C 124:29–30.
ordained by ordinance of the Lord’s holy house, D&C 124:39.
commandment to build house in Nauvoo, D&C 124:55.
house of the Lord is house of order, D&C 132:8, 18.
those who are of Judah will flee unto Jerusalem, unto mountains of the Lord’s house, D&C 133:13.
repentant dead will be redeemed through ordinances of the Lord’s house, D&C 138:58.