Husband, Husbands See also Companion; Family; Marriage; Wife; TG Husband; Marriage, Husbands daughters of the Lord’s people mourn because of wickedness of husbands, Jacob 2:31. Lamanite husbands love wives, and wives love husbands, Jacob 3:7. Lamanites feed Nephite women upon flesh of husbands, Moro. 9:8. husband shall support thee in Church, D&C 25:9. let thy soul delight in thy husband, D&C 25:14. unbelieving husband is sanctified by wife, D&C 74:1. unbelieving wife is sanctified by husband, D&C 74:1. women have claim on husbands for maintenance, D&C 83:2. woman gave fruit to her husband, Moses 4:12. thy desire shall be to thy husband, Moses 4:22.