Ignorance, Ignorant, Ignorantly See also Accountable; Blindness; Darkness, Spiritual; Knowledge; Unlearned except for records, Nephites must have suffered in ignorance, Mosiah 1:3. Christ’s blood atoneth for those who have ignorantly sinned, Mosiah 3:11. those who died in ignorance before Christ came shall come forth in First Resurrection, Mosiah 15:24. Limhi not ignorant of father’s iniquities, Mosiah 19:17. impossible that Zoramites2 are ignorant of prophecies of Christ’s coming, Alma 34:2. some are ignorant because of poverty, 3 Ne. 6:12. people do not sin ignorantly, for they know will of God, 3 Ne. 6:18. impossible for man to be saved in ignorance, D&C 131:6. let him who is ignorant learn wisdom, D&C 136:32.