Increase See also Add; Continue; Enlarge; Flourish; Grow; Improve; Lengthen; Multiply; Prolong; Reward; Seed; Spread; Swell; Wax thou hast increased the joy, 2 Ne. 19:3 (Isa. 9:3). of increase of government and peace there is no end, 2 Ne. 19:7 (Isa. 9:7). meek also shall increase, 2 Ne. 27:30. would not swelling of seed increase your faith, Alma 32:28–29. faith to increase in earth, D&C 1:21. Zion must increase in beauty, D&C 82:14. after reproving, show increase of love, D&C 121:43. those who do not enter new and everlasting covenant of marriage cannot have increase, D&C 131:4.