Indignation See also Anger; Displeasure; Judgment; Provoke; Punishment; Wrath indignation shall cease, 2 Ne. 20:25 (Isa. 10:25). souls of wicked look for fiery indignation of wrath of God upon them, Alma 40:14. cup of the Lord’s indignation is full, D&C 29:17 (35:14; 43:26). rebellious shall know the Lord’s indignation, D&C 56:1. inhabitants of earth will feel indignation of Almighty God, D&C 87:6. the Lord’s indignation is kindled against abominations of wicked, D&C 97:24. the Lord’s indignation shall be turned away from those who repent, D&C 98:47. the Lord will let fall sword of his indignation on behalf of his people, D&C 101:10. the Lord’s indignation to fall upon wicked mob, D&C 109:52. unbelievers look forth for God’s indignation to be poured upon them, Moses 7:1.