two sons of Ishmael join Laman1 and Lemuel in rebelling, 1 Ne. 7:6 (18:17).
murmuring by Laman1, Lemuel, and sons of Ishmael, 1 Ne. 16:20.
encouraged to slay Lehi1 and Nephi1, 1 Ne. 16:37.
begin to make merry, 1 Ne. 18:9.
admonished to hearken unto Nephi1, 2 Ne. 1:28.
angry with Nephi1, 2 Ne. 4:13.
the Lord set mark upon sons of Ishmael, Alma 3:7.
became Lamanites, Alma 17:19.
Lamanites consist of Laman1, Lemuel, sons of Ishmael, and dissenters, Alma 43:13 (47:35).