Island, Isle three days of darkness sign of Christ’s death to those on isles of sea, 1 Ne. 19:10. more part of all tribes have been scattered upon isles of sea, 1 Ne. 22:4. Jews shall be gathered in from long dispersion, from isles of sea, 2 Ne. 10:8. we are upon isle of sea, 2 Ne. 10:20. the Lord shall set his hand second time to recover his people from islands of sea, 2 Ne. 21:11 (Isa. 11:11). the Lord remembers those upon isles of sea, 2 Ne. 29:7. the Lord commands all men, in islands of sea, 2 Ne. 29:11. ye who are upon islands of sea, listen together, D&C 1:1 (88:94; 133:20). abominable church sits upon islands of sea, D&C 88:94. send elders unto islands of sea, D&C 133:8. the Bridegroom shall stand upon islands of sea, D&C 133:20. islands shall become one land, D&C 133:23.