convince Jews and Gentiles that Jesus is the Christ, title page of the Book of Mormon (2 Ne. 26:12).
the Messiah to be baptized by John in Bethabara, 1 Ne. 10:9.
the Messiah’s name to be Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 10:3 (25:19; Mosiah 3:8).
look forward with steadfastness unto Christ, 2 Ne. 25:24 (26:8; 31:20).
we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, 2 Ne. 25:26.
doctrine of Christ, 2 Ne. 31:2, 21 (32:6; Jacob 7:6; 3 Ne. 2:2).
can we follow Jesus save we are willing to keep the Father’s commandments, 2 Ne. 31:10.
feast upon words of Christ, for they tell you all ye should do, 2 Ne. 32:3.
writings persuade people to believe in Jesus, 2 Ne. 33:4.
I glory in my Jesus, 2 Ne. 33:6.
if ye believe in Christ, ye will believe these words, 2 Ne. 33:10.
through revelations and prophecies Nephites know of Christ, Jacob 1:6.
Nephites’ writings show they know of Christ, Jacob 4:4.
Jews reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation, Jacob 4:15.
scriptures and prophets testify of Christ, Jacob 7:11, 19 (3 Ne. 6:23; 7:10).
Sherem has lied to God in denying Christ, Jacob 7:19.
Christ to suffer temptation, Mosiah 3:7 (15:5; Alma 7:11).
Christ is light and life of world, Mosiah 16:9 (Alma 38:9; 3 Ne. 9:18; 11:11; Ether 4:12).
holy order of God which is in Christ Jesus, Alma 5:44.
Alma2 teaches according to testimony of Jesus Christ, Alma 6:8.
reason for joy because of light of Christ unto life, Alma 28:14 (Moro. 7:18–19).
comfort my soul in Christ, Alma 31:31–32.
Lamanites to be brought again unto Christ, Alma 31:34.
sons of Mosiah2 are swallowed up in the joy of Christ, Alma 31:38.
word of God leads man of Christ across gulf of misery, Hel. 3:29.
rock of our Redeemer is Christ, Hel. 5:12.
I am Jesus Christ, 3 Ne. 9:15 (11:10; Ether 3:14).
scriptures give account of marvelous works of Christ, 3 Ne. 28:33.
wo unto him who denies Christ, 3 Ne. 29:5.
many churches profess to know Christ, but deny his gospel, 4 Ne. 1:27.
Jews to have other witnesses that Jesus, whom they slew, was the very Christ, Morm. 3:21.
if Nephites had repented, they might have been clasped in arms of Jesus, Morm. 5:11.
how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you, Morm. 6:17.
holiness of Jesus Christ will kindle unquenchable fire in guilty, Morm. 9:5.
God of this land is Jesus Christ, Ether 2:12.
Christ was prepared from foundation of world, Ether 3:14.
whatsoever persuades men to do good is of Christ, Ether 4:12 (Moro. 7:16–17).
seek this Jesus of whom prophets have written, Ether 12:41.
servant of devil cannot follow Christ, follower of Christ cannot be servant of devil, Moro. 7:11.
light of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil, Moro. 7:16, 18–19.
if man confesses by the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must have charity, Moro. 7:44.
charity is pure love of Christ, Moro. 7:47.
every good gift cometh of Christ, Moro. 10:17–18.