the Lord promised Joseph to preserve his seed forever, 2 Ne. 3:16 (25:21).
Nephites to be righteous branch from loins of Joseph, Jacob 2:25.
Nephites are remnant of seed of Joseph, Alma 46:23 (Ether 13:7).
part of remnant of Joseph shall be preserved, as remnant of coat of Joseph, remainder shall perish, Alma 46:24–27 (3 Ne. 10:17).
the Lord has been merciful unto seed of Joseph, 3 Ne. 5:21.
the Lord will bring remnant of seed of Joseph to knowledge of the Lord, 3 Ne. 5:23.
Nephites remnant of house of Joseph, 3 Ne. 15:12.
New Jerusalem to be built unto remnant of seed of Joseph, Ether 13:6–10.