fruit of tree of life fills soul with joy, 1 Ne. 8:12 (11:21–23).
how beautiful upon mountains shall they be who publish tidings of joy, 1 Ne. 13:37.
if Adam had not transgressed, he would have had no joy, knowing no misery, 2 Ne. 2:23.
men are that they might have joy, 2 Ne. 2:25.
joy of righteous Saints shall be full forever, 2 Ne. 9:18.
joy of meek shall be in the Lord, 2 Ne. 27:30.
angel declares unto Benjamin glad tidings of joy, Mosiah 3:3.
the Lord has poured out his Spirit and caused hearts to be filled with joy, Mosiah 4:20.
people filled with joy because of Resurrection, Alma 4:14.
light of God’s glory infuses joy into Lamoni’s soul, Alma 19:6.
Ammon2 overpowered with joy, Alma 19:14.
what shall I do to be born of God, receive his Spirit, be filled with joy, Alma 22:15.
heart of Ammon2 is brim with joy, Alma 26:11.
joy of Ammon2 is carried away, unto boasting in God, Alma 26:35.
account of incomprehensible joy of Ammon2 and his brothers, Alma 28:8.
great reason of joy because of light of Christ unto life, Alma 28:14.
my joy, that I may be instrument in hands of God to bring some soul to repentance, Alma 29:9.
I do not joy in my own success, but my joy is more full because of success of brethren, Alma 29:13–14.
have rejoicings in joy of our brethren, Alma 30:34.
may God grant that your burdens be light, through joy of his Son, Alma 33:23.
soul of Alma2 filled with joy as exceeding as his pain, Alma 36:20.
Alma2 labors to bring other souls to taste exceeding joy which he tasted, Alma 36:24.
so great is joy of multitude that they are overcome, 3 Ne. 17:18.
Christ’s joy is full, 3 Ne. 17:20.
if church is built upon works of men or devil, they have joy for season, 3 Ne. 27:11.
joy of Mormon2 is vain, for Nephites’ sorrowing is not unto repentance, Morm. 2:13.
when Jaredites land in promised land, they shed tears of joy, Ether 6:12.