the Son was judged of world, 1 Ne. 11:32.
Twelve Apostles shall judge twelve tribes of Israel, twelve Nephite disciples, 1 Ne. 12:9 (Morm. 3:18–19).
twelve Nephite disciples shall judge Nephites, 1 Ne. 12:10 (3 Ne. 27:27; Morm. 3:19).
men must be judged before God according to their works, 1 Ne. 15:32–33 (2 Ne. 9:15; 28:23; Mosiah 16:10; Alma 5:15; 11:41; 12:12; 41:3; 3 Ne. 26:4; Morm. 3:20).
the Lord’s arm shall judge people, 2 Ne. 8:5 (Isa. 51:5).
the Lord shall bring forth his word, which shall judge Jews, 2 Ne. 25:18.
with righteousness shall the Lord God judge poor, 2 Ne. 30:9.
if ye judge and condemn beggar, how much more just will be your condemnation, Mosiah 4:22.
whosoever transgresseth against the Lord shall ye judge according to sins, Mosiah 26:29.
let us appoint judges to judge this people according to law, Mosiah 29:11, 25.
better to be judged of God than of man, Mosiah 29:12.
lower judges shall judge higher judges according to voice of people, Mosiah 29:29.
deal justly, judge righteously, Alma 41:14.
judge not, that ye be not judged, 3 Ne. 14:1 (Matt. 7:1).
Christ shall stand to judge world, 3 Ne. 27:16.
out of books shall world be judged, 3 Ne. 27:25–26.
he who judges rashly shall be judged rashly, Morm. 8:19.
given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil, Moro. 7:15.
way to judge is shown, Moro. 7:15–18.
judge by light of Christ, Moro. 7:18.
with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall be judged, Moro. 7:18.