if they reject the Holy One, judgments of him who is just shall rest upon them, 2 Ne. 1:10.
do not incur displeasure of a just God, 2 Ne. 1:22.
I must cry unto my God, Thy ways are just, 2 Ne. 26:7.
they who turn aside the just for thing of naught shall be cut off, 2 Ne. 27:32 (28:16).
Enos2 knows his father is just man, Enos 1:1.
God’s judgment is just, Omni 1:22 (Mosiah 3:18; 16:1; 29:12).
God appointed just men to be Nephites’ teachers, Mosiah 2:4.
if ye condemn beggar, how much more just will be your condemnation, Mosiah 4:22, 25.
Limhi is just man, Mosiah 19:17.
if it were possible always to have just men as kings, it would be well to have kings, Mosiah 23:8 (29:13).
men shall confess that judgment of everlasting punishment is just upon them, Mosiah 27:31 (Alma 12:15).
God’s judgments are always just, judgments of man not always just, Mosiah 29:12.
Nephi1 and followers were just and holy men, Alma 3:6.
all shall rise from dead, both just and unjust, Alma 12:8.
time of Christ’s coming shall be made known unto just and holy men, Alma 13:25–26.
I ought not to harrow up in my desires firm decree of a just God, Alma 29:4.
restoration means to bring back just for that which is just, Alma 41:13.
deal justly, Alma 41:14.
God atoneth for sins of world so that he might be a just and merciful God, Alma 42:15.
every man deals justly one with another, 3 Ne. 26:19 (4 Ne. 1:2).
ye shall be judges of this people according to just judgment I shall give you, 3 Ne. 27:27.
ye would be miserable to dwell with holy and just God under consciousness of filthiness, Morm. 9:4.
whatsoever thing is good is just and true, Moro. 10:6.