Kill See also Blood, Shedding of; Capital Punishment; Death, Physical; Martyrdom; Murder; Slaughter; Slay; Smite Nephi1 constrained by the Spirit to kill Laban, 1 Ne. 4:10. murderer who deliberately kills shall die, 2 Ne. 9:35. earth to swallow up those who kill prophets and Saints, 2 Ne. 26:5 (3 Ne. 8:25). Jews killed prophets, Jacob 4:14. thou shalt not kill, Mosiah 13:21 (3 Ne. 12:21; Ex. 20:13). robbers fill judgment-seat, that they might more easily kill, Hel. 7:5. Nephites to lament that they killed prophets, Hel. 13:32–33 (3 Ne. 8:25). people seek to kill disciples of Jesus, 4 Ne. 1:30–31. commandment not to seek one’s neighbor’s life, D&C 19:25. thou shalt not kill, D&C 42:18 (59:6; 132:36). he who kills shall not have forgiveness, D&C 42:18, 79. he who kills shall die, D&C 42:19. members who kill shall be dealt with according to laws of land, D&C 42:79. in last days men will kill one another, D&C 45:33. they killed prophets, D&C 136:36. the Lord sets mark on Cain lest any kill him, Moses 5:40. virgins are killed upon altar, Abr. 1:11. Egyptians will kill Abraham because of his wife, Abr. 2:23.