the Lord will disturb those who build up kingdom of devil, D&C 10:56.
kingdoms of world are not arrayed like lilies of field, D&C 84:82.
the Lord will rend kingdoms of wicked, D&C 84:118.
laws and glories of three kingdoms, D&C 88:22–24.
all kingdoms have law given, D&C 88:34–38.
no space in which there is no kingdom, D&C 88:37.
sun and planets are kingdoms, D&C 88:42–47.
kingdoms are likened to man having field, D&C 88:51–61.
obtain knowledge of countries and kingdoms, D&C 88:79 (93:53).
kingdoms of world to be subdued, D&C 103:7.
kingdoms of world to acknowledge kingdom of Zion is kingdom of God, D&C 105:32.
things pertaining to higher order of kingdoms made known by Urim and Thummim, D&C 130:10.
those married by new and everlasting covenant inherit kingdoms, principalities, D&C 132:19.