Nephi1 is led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand what he should do, 1 Ne. 4:6.
the Lord knows all things from beginning, 1 Ne. 9:6 (2 Ne. 2:24; 9:20; W of M 1:7; Alma 18:18; 40:5; Hel. 8:8).
Laman1 and Lemuel claim the Lord does not make things known unto them, 1 Ne. 15:9.
ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led, 1 Ne. 17:13.
all flesh shall know that the Lord is their Savior and their Redeemer, 1 Ne. 21:26 (22:12).
by the Spirit all things are made known unto prophets, 1 Ne. 22:2.
by partaking of forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve become as God, knowing good and evil, 2 Ne. 2:18 (Alma 12:31; 42:3).
I know in whom I have trusted, 2 Ne. 4:19.
there is not anything save God knows it, 2 Ne. 9:20.
learned set aside God’s counsel, thinking they know of themselves, 2 Ne. 9:28.
the Lord will show unto those who hide their counsels that he knows all their works, 2 Ne. 27:27.
if ye deny Christ after receiving the Holy Ghost, it would have been better not to have known him, 2 Ne. 31:14.
because of revelations, Nephites knew of Christ and his kingdom, Jacob 1:6.
Nephites write so that those to come will know that Nephites knew of Christ, Jacob 4:4.
no man knows of God’s ways save it be revealed unto him, Jacob 4:8.
if ye have known of God’s goodness, remember always his greatness, Mosiah 4:11.
how knows man the master whom he has not served or who is far from his thoughts, Mosiah 5:13.
seer can know of things past and future, makes known things that could not otherwise be known, Mosiah 8:17.
people of Noah3 shall know that I am the Lord their God, Mosiah 11:22.
all mankind became carnal, knowing evil from good, Mosiah 16:3.
if they know me, they shall have place eternally at my right hand, Mosiah 26:24.
these things are made known by the Spirit, Alma 5:45–46.
the Spirit knows all things, Alma 7:13.
God knows all thy thoughts, and they are made known by his Spirit, Alma 12:3 (18:32).
given unto many to know mysteries of God, Alma 12:9.
to those who harden hearts is given lesser portion of word until they know nothing of mysteries, Alma 12:11.
what natural man knows these things, Alma 26:21.
none knows these things save penitent, Alma 26:21.
unto those who repent, exercise faith, bring forth good works, and pray continually, it is given to know mysteries of God, Alma 26:22.
he who knows not good from evil is blameless, Alma 29:5.
if man knows a thing, he hath no cause to believe, for he knows it, Alma 32:18 (Ether 3:19).
more cursed is he who knoweth will of God and doeth it not, Alma 32:19.
I would not that ye think I know of myself, but of God, Alma 36:4.
God knows all times appointed unto man, Alma 40:10.
some believe Nephi2 is a god, otherwise he could not know of all things, Hel. 9:41.
God has given unto you to know good from evil, Hel. 14:31.
Nephites do not sin ignorantly, for they knew will of God, 3 Ne. 6:18.
converted Lamanites were baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost and knew it not, 3 Ne. 9:20.
multitude feel prints of nails, to know Christ is the God of Israel, 3 Ne. 11:14.
let not left hand know what right hand doest, 3 Ne. 13:3 (Matt. 6:3).
the Father knows what ye have need of before ye ask him, 3 Ne. 13:8 (Matt. 6:8).
the Lord will profess unto many, I never knew you, 3 Ne. 14:23 (Matt. 7:23).
the Lord knows his sheep, 3 Ne. 18:31.
Christ’s people shall know his name, 3 Ne. 20:39.
Gentiles to know true points of Christ’s doctrine, 3 Ne. 21:6.
Three Nephites will be among Gentiles, but Gentiles shall know them not, 3 Ne. 28:27.
ye are gone and the Father knows your state, Morm. 6:22.
brother of Jared2 had faith no longer, for he knew, Ether 3:19.
he who believeth these things shall be visited with the Spirit, shall know and bear record, Ether 4:11.
three witnesses shall know these things are true, Ether 5:3.
given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil, Moro. 7:15.
the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, to know good from evil, Moro. 7:16.
ye know light by which ye may judge, Moro. 7:18.
search diligently in light of Christ that ye may know good from evil, Moro. 7:19.
by power of the Holy Ghost ye may know truth of all things, Moro. 10:5.
by power of the Holy Ghost ye may know that Christ is, Moro. 10:7.