many are already lost from knowledge of Jews, 1 Ne. 22:4.
God hath given Nephi1 knowledge by visions in nighttime, 2 Ne. 4:23.
Jews shall come to knowledge of the Redeemer, 2 Ne. 6:11.
after Resurrection our knowledge shall be perfect, 2 Ne. 9:13.
we shall have perfect knowledge of guilt, 2 Ne. 9:14.
my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge, 2 Ne. 15:13 (Isa. 5:13).
spirit of knowledge shall rest upon him, 2 Ne. 21:2 (Isa. 11:2).
earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord, 2 Ne. 21:9 (30:15; Isa. 11:9).
men will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, 2 Ne. 32:7.
why not speak of Atonement and attain perfect knowledge of Christ, Jacob 4:12.
Mormon2 prays his brethren may come to knowledge of God, W of M 1:8.
knowledge of the Savior shall spread throughout every nation, Mosiah 3:20.
ye shall grow in knowledge of glory of him who created you, Mosiah 4:12.
by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, Mosiah 14:11 (Isa. 53:11).
priests to wax strong in the Spirit, having knowledge of God, Mosiah 18:26.
sons of Mosiah2 to bring Lamanites to knowledge of the Lord, Mosiah 28:1–2 (Alma 23:5; 37:9).
account of Jaredites gives Nephites much knowledge in which they rejoice, Mosiah 28:17–18.
Lamanites to destroy Nephites if they fall into sin after receiving so much knowledge from God, Alma 9:19.
portion of the Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, Alma 18:35.
your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant, Alma 32:34.
sacred records bring Lamanites to knowledge of the Lord, Alma 37:8–9.
dissenters, who were instructed in same knowledge of the Lord, became more hardened, Alma 47:36.
Lamanites grow in knowledge of God, Hel. 6:34.
God hath given you knowledge and hath made you free, Hel. 14:30.
Lamanites to be brought to knowledge of the Redeemer, Hel. 15:13.
Christ has given much knowledge unto salvation, 3 Ne. 5:20.
Christ to bring remnant of seed of Joseph1 to knowledge of their Lord, 3 Ne. 5:23.
if Jews do not ask for knowledge of Nephites, they shall receive it from writings, 3 Ne. 16:4.
scattered remnant of Israel shall be brought to knowledge of the Redeemer, 3 Ne. 20:13.
because of perfect knowledge brother of Jared2 could not be kept from beholding within veil, Ether 3:19–20.
the Lord will show unto Gentiles greater things, knowledge of which is hidden because of unbelief, Ether 4:13.
way to judge is plain, that ye may know with perfect knowledge, Moro. 7:15–17.
to another is given to teach word of knowledge by the same Spirit, Moro. 10:10.