travels into wilderness with family, 1 Ne. 2:5.
is admonished to be like river, continually running into fountain of all righteousness, 1 Ne. 2:9.
murmurs against father, 1 Ne. 2:11–12 (3:28; 16:36).
does not hearken unto Nephi1, 1 Ne. 2:18.
tries unsuccessfully to obtain brass plates from Laban, 1 Ne. 3:11–14.
smites Nephi1 and Sam with rod, 1 Ne. 3:28.
rebels, 1 Ne. 7:6.
does not partake of fruit of tree of life, 1 Ne. 8:35–36.
takes daughter of Ishmael1 to wife, 1 Ne. 16:7.
murmurs because of afflictions in wilderness, 1 Ne. 16:20.
stirs up Lemuel and sons of Ishmael1 to kill Nephi1, 1 Ne. 16:37–38.
murmurs against desire of Nephi1 to build ship, 1 Ne. 17:17–18.
binds Nephi1 in cords, 1 Ne. 18:11–19.
Lehi1 exhorts Laman to hearken unto Nephi1, 2 Ne. 1:24–29.
Lehi1 counsels Laman and his family, 2 Ne. 4:3–7.
cursing comes upon followers of Laman, 2 Ne. 5:21 (Alma 3:7).
Ammon2 rehearses unto Lamanites concerning rebellion of Laman and Lemuel, Alma 18:38.