Learning See also Intelligence; Knowledge; Learn; Learned [adj.]; Scriptures; Truth; Wisdom Nephi1 is taught in learning of father, 1 Ne. 1:1. Nephi1 likens scriptures unto his people, to be for their learning, 1 Ne. 19:23. I speak unto you these things for your learning, 2 Ne. 2:14. Nephi1 writes scriptures for learning of his children, 2 Ne. 4:15. Gentiles will preach up unto themselves their own learning, 2 Ne. 26:20. people distinguished by ranks, according to chances for learning, which depend upon riches, 3 Ne. 6:12. seek learning by study and faith, D&C 88:118 (109:7). establish house of learning, D&C 88:119.