Less, Lesser See also Dust; Least; Priesthood, Aaronic he who hardens heart receives lesser portion of word, Alma 12:10–11. people become less and less astonished at sign or wonder from heaven, 3 Ne. 2:1. whoso declares more or less than Christ’s doctrine is not built upon rock, 3 Ne. 11:40 (18:13). whoso declares more or less than this is not of the Lord, D&C 10:68. high priest has authority to officiate in all lesser offices, D&C 68:19. glory of telestial is that of lesser, D&C 76:81. no space in which there is not either greater or lesser kingdom, D&C 88:37. lesser light to rule night, Moses 2:16 (Abr. 4:16). lesser light is greater than that upon which thou standest, Abr. 3:5–6.