Living See also Alive; Live [verb]; TGÂ Living; Living Water iron rod leads to fountain of living waters, 1Â Ne. 11:25. true and living God, 1Â Ne. 17:30 (2Â Ne. 31:16; Alma 5:13; 7:6; 3Â Ne. 30:1; Morm. 5:14; 9:28). in Resurrection all men will be living souls, 2Â Ne. 9:13. the living God, D&C 14:9 (20:19, 32; 42:1; 50:1; 55:2; 61:28; 68:6, 25; 70:10; 76:66; 77:9; 82:18; 138:39). living water, D&C 63:23 (133:29). proclaim gospel in land of living, D&C 81:3. salvation for living and dead, D&C 128:11, 13, 15, 19. Eve, mother of all living, Moses 4:26.