Loose See also Bind; Deliver the Lord will not loose Moses’ tongue, 2 Ne. 3:17. girdle of loins shall not be loosed, 2 Ne. 15:27 (Isa. 5:27). loose yourselves from pains of hell, Jacob 3:11. the Son to take upon him death, that he might loose bands of death, Alma 7:12 (11:42). whatsoever he loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, Hel. 10:7 (Matt. 16:19). loose thyself from bands of neck, daughter of Zion, 3 Ne. 20:37. Christ loosed children’s tongues, 3 Ne. 26:14. all shall be redeemed and loosed from eternal band of death, Morm. 9:13. tongue to be loosed, D&C 11:21 (23:3; 31:3). Satan to be loosed for little season at end of Millennium, D&C 43:31 (88:110–11). whatever elders loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, D&C 124:93 (127:7; 128:8, 10).